We have 3 factories nestled in the orchards on our farms. At these facilities we dehusk our Macadamias as soon as they are harvested using some of the latest pneumatic dehusking technology. The nuts are then dipped and transferred to drying bins where we are able to dry them down to less than 2% kernel moisture content. The total drying bin capacity amounts to 310 tons.
Once dried, the 695 (Beaumont) Tetraphylla variety is sent to a tumbling facility where the nuts are sized into 18 to 20mm, 20 to 22mm, 22 to 24mm and 24+. These Nuts are channelled to our Dry in shell market.
Our Integrifolia varieties are sent to another facility where they are cracked and graded. These nuts are destined for our Kernel market.
During peak harvest times which are typically from Mid February through to September, we process 30 000 to 40 000 kilograms of wet nut in husk per day.
Our total Dry in Shell tonnage is around 1300 tons per annum.